17th Feb is Random Acts of Kindness Day!

“If you haven’t any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.”  —Bob Hope

We love kindness! Being kind is good for all involved - it makes the person giving feel good and also makes the person receiving feel special. Aside from the warm cosy feeling inside we get when giving, there is also a physiological impact called 'helpers high' - when we give something in kindness dopamine is released in our brains which makes us feel soooo goood!!

And! When we’re kind, it creates a domino effect of kindness that inspires others to be kind. Just like a pebble creates ripples when it is dropped in a pond, so acts of kindness ripple onwards touching others' lives and creating more kindness everywhere!

So, in preparation for Friday 17th February we are inviting our clients and friends to participate in a Random Act of Kindness competition.

We are looking for people who are most deserving of a Random Act of Kindness to receive a random health or beauty surprise!  

Please nominate someone via our Facebook page and tell us why they are most deserving of a special wellbeing or beauty experience.

We are also supporting our wellbeing clients who do so well looking after their staff, by providing a special 50% discount for any onsite massage bookings made for this day.

For some lovely pictures from previous acts of kindness days, check out  https://uk.pinterest.com/mesamaria/random-acts-of-kindness-94/ 







try a little kindness